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Chess tournament manager pro
Full licence 40 €
Last version :  1.0.15   downloads : 3
- New proffesional version with many new options with modern taibreak systems
- Added option to select FIDE type list transfer according to your needs
- Added option to optionally score wins, losses and draws
Manager of individual tournaments
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Here is a video of how the program is used
Play video
The program use Round Robin draw pairs and allows classic display of rankings as well as graphic display.

Program support all modern taibrek systems :

- Direct Encounter
- Sonneborn-Berger
- Koya System
- Buchholz
- Median-Buchholz
- Buchholz-Cut 1
- Number of Wins
- Number of wins as Black
- Number of plays as Black
- Kashdan System

- Program contains FIDE playlist editor where you can download the latest list of players. When adding players to a tournament, you can select a player from the register.The program is also support by the register of the Slovenian Chess Federation

The first parameter is points and second is always the direct encounter and then the parameters you specify.The program can also calculate the ELO chess rating according to the FIDE rules, which is determined from the table for calculating the expected rating.

When adding a new tournament, choose whether the tournament will be rated or not. You can also define Buch points for players who are free for a certain round.

If the tournament is rated, after the end of the tournament, you can save the last state of the achieved rating of the players (This option is useful for club managers) where players without a rating can get a club rating and approximately the one they would probably achieve if they participated in tournaments.
The program save the achieved rating and automatically loads this last rating at the next tournament, or you can set it manually. The player can obtain +150 or -150 Elo points per month as set by the rules.

If you want the program to calculate Elo players, you need to add club players.

Program support next functions :

- Player registry editor and also the option to update the FIDE list
- Calculate ELO (function is useful for club managers) where unrated players can get club ELO
- the program checks and reports if there is a new version of the program
- automatics save tournament and allows editing of all saved tournaments
- add club player
- show complete statistics for all tournaments
- Export and import data when installing a new version of the program
- unlimited save and restore backups

Language support :

- English
- Germany
- Croatien
- Slovenien

Support Windows : windows 10
Licence : Free test (limited to 15 players)

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